RED MOUNTAIN Twin Towers Site

Red Mountain is located just North of the City of Ventura, near the junction of highway 101 and the 33 freeway.
It overlooks Highway 1 in the Rincon area and Lake Casitas to the East.

Call Sign Input Output PL Description
K6ERN 52.480 52.980 82.5 Mobile coverage from Santa Barbara South to Mugu Rock & East to Thousand Oaks
Please Do Not try to use handheld radios on 6 meters - You need full power 25W or MORE
Please give time for the links to come up before you start to talk!

Linked to 51.840 repeater on South Mtn.
K6ERN 902.8750 927.8750 103.5 Only open 900 MHz repeater in Ventura County
K6ERN 144.390 144.390 None APRS Weather Station
Definition of Coverage Map Colors
Red & Orange = HT Coverage
Yellow = Good Mobile Coverage
Green = Marginal Coverage
Blues = NO Coverage

Red Mtn Twin Towers